Construction work on the supportive housing project Stubberupgård has started.
Stubberupgård is a supportive housing project with 44 dwellings for citizens with mental disabilities and special needs.
The construction work is divided into two phases in order to shorten the length of the re-housing period as much as possible.
Phase 1 covers the construction of 14 new housing units and communal facilities.
In the following phase 2 the existing buildings at Stubberupgård will be renovated and rebuild into 30 apartments, a communal café, reading room, atelier etc..
The project is carried out as part of the strategic partnership agreement between the municipality of Copenhagen and DSP PLUS that consist of main contractor Jakon A/S, Rørbæk og Møller Architects, EKJ Consulting Engineers AS, Schul Landscape Architects and LETH & GORI.
See more here: Supportive Housing Stubberupgård