The workmen are back in The Elephant House after a 120 years break. Demolition work has started and slowly the original beautiful double high spaces are revealed, illuminated from high clerestory windows.
LETH & GORI are total consultants on the transformation work of the historic building for the Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health.
The beautiful former chapel is to be transformed into an activity center and Men’s Shed run by the Centre.
Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health offers different rehabilitation programmes that will make use of the planned new spaces for fitness and training, mindfullness, yoga, discussion groups, sessions and more.
Collaborators are: Anders Christensen Rådgivende Ingeniører and JL Engineering. Contractor: Jakon.
The project is funded by the Municipality of Copenhagen. The client is Byggeri København.
See more here: Transformation of the Elephant House
And here: Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health