Join us on Friday 6 March @ 16.00 for the opening of ENTREENTRE’s exhibition ENTREENTRE Presents Works by Nat Chard and Teis Draiby.
ENTREENTRE is a new digital publication and exhibition platform focused on experimental architecture. The intention is to collect and present radically different and investigatory approaches to architectural process and tools and to promote critical thinking and artistic development within the architecture profession.
The exhibition ENTREENTRE Presents Works by Nat Chard and Teis Draiby is the first in a series of exhibitions, events and publications by ENTREENTRE. The exhibition presents projects by architects Nat Chard (UK) og Teis Draiby (DK). Nat and Teis are in their own way both involved in ways to rethink the drawing and modelling tools of architecture. They develop instruments and techniques that challenge the norms and conventions of how architecture is developed, conceived and presented.
In connection with the exhibition ENTREENTRE is publishing a pamphlet which includes images by Teis Draiby og Nat Chard along with text by Niels Grønbæk, lecturer at The Royal Academy of Architecture Copenhagen.
The formal launch of www.entreentre.org as a new platform will happen at an event on the last day of the exhibition 10 April 2015 @ 16.00.

About the exhibition:
ENTREENTRE Presents Works by Nat Chard and Teis Draiby.
Nat Chard (UK), architect, professor at The Bartlett School of Architecture, London
Teis Draiby (DK), architect, programmer, Copenhagen
Curated by: ENTREENTRE [Anne Friis, Karen Gamborg Knudsen and Frederik Petersen]
6 March – 10 April 2015
Exhibition opening Friday 6 March 2015 @ 16.00
LETH & GORI, Absalonsgade 21B, 1658 Copenhagen V
ENTREENTRE is a new digital publication and exhibition platform focused on experimental architecture. The intention is to collect and present radically different and investigatory approaches to architectural process and tools and to promote critical thinking and artistic development within the architecture profession.
The exhibition ENTREENTRE Presents Works by Nat Chard and Teis Draiby is the first in a series of exhibitions, events and publications by ENTREENTRE. The exhibition presents projects by architects Nat Chard (UK) og Teis Draiby (DK). Nat and Teis are in their own way both involved in ways to rethink the drawing and modelling tools of architecture. They develop instruments and techniques that challenge the norms and conventions of how architecture is developed, conceived and presented.
In connection with the exhibition ENTREENTRE is publishing a pamphlet which includes images by Teis Draiby og Nat Chard along with text by Niels Grønbæk, lecturer at The Royal Academy of Architecture Copenhagen.
The formal launch of www.entreentre.org as a new platform will happen on the last day of the exhibition 10 April 2015 @ 16.00.
More information:
www.entreentre.org / entreentreorg@gmail.com/ +45 24268960 [Anne Friis/DK] / +45 26172307 [Karen Gamborg Knudsen/DK] / +44 740531005 [Frederik Petersen/UK]
ENTREENTRE is supported by: Vesterbro Puljen, Dreyers Fond and Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond
Thanks to the Danish Art Workshop and to Realdania/ Züblin for making it possible to film at the construction site of Bryghusprojektet.