Turning of the first sod ceremony on 17th January 2017.
The nature center ‘The Ants Hill’ has been developed by LETH & GORI og Elkiær + Ebbeskov Architects in collaboration with Randers Produktionshøjskole, The city of Randers, Bysekretariatet, Nordre Fælleds Venner and The Danish Nature Agency, based on a concept initiated by The Danish Foundation for Sports and Culture Facilities (Lokale- og Anlægsfonden) and The Danish Outdoor Council.
LETH & GORI and Elkiær + Ebbeskov Architects are total consultants on the project in collaboration with LiW Planning and Bøegh Engineering.
The project has received funding from The Danish Foundation for Sports and Culture Facilities (Lokale- og Anlægsfonden), A.P. Møller og hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers fond til almene formaal, Realdania, The Danish Outdoor Council and De Lokale Grønne Partnerskaber.