An exhibition by Flores & Prats Architects and artist Soraya Smithson.
5. September – 25. October 2013
The exhibition is a result of a collaboration with The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture where Flores & Prats’ MEETING AT THE BILDING about Flores and Prats’ 111 Building was displayed at the same time as INGREDIENTS & CAKES.
Flores & Prats says:
We thought in displaying projects that were previous to the 111 Building construction, investigations in interests that later appear at the housing project. These projects experiment deeply in these themes -such as domesticity, public space, light and living-, and represent for us pockets of the 111 Building: they all can live inside the housing project, as undubtedly helped in its designing process. Thus, when visiting the exhibition at Leth & Gori Storefront one can understand some of the aspects of the Royal Academy Exhibition, somehow completing the story.
Discovering that this storefront was a former bakery, gave us the idea that the show could be accompanied by a production of biscuits and cakes, reproducing images and forms of the projects on display. This has been possible through the collaboration with the Catalan pastry Escribà. We also counted with the British artist Soraya Smithson for the design of the window-shop and the Biscuit-Copenhagen Map that forms the cover of this catalogue.
The projects are displayed inside or just coming out of their containers. These big cases help the projects to travel around and enable them to open and being shown as soon as they arrive to their destination.
Exhibition Design: Flores & Prats Architects. Design of the Window Shop and Biscuit-Copenhagen Map: Soraya Smithson. Design of project Biscuits and Lollypops: Flores & Prats with Escribà Barcelona. Collaborators
of the office: Micol Bergamo and Oriol Valls, with the help of Déborah Flého, Claire Lemarié, Tomás Kenny, Mariola Borrell and Marina Baró. Installation: Fabián Asunción, Soledad Revuelto and Roberto Pozuelo. Photographs: Duccio Malagamba, Àlex García, Hisao Suzuki and Eugeni Pons. Catalogue Design: Flores & Prats Architects. Sponsorship: Institut Ramon Llull + Embajada de España en Copenhague. Special thanks to Karsten Gori and Uffe Leth, Leth & Gori Architects.