Future Bjärred
LETH & GORI participated in the open international competition for a new part of the Swedish coastal city Bjärred with a proposal titled ’TRÄDGÅRDEN’. The project comprises 900 housing units, a kindergarten, retirement homes, gardens and landscape design. The proposal identifies and seeks to add to the existing qualities of the site with an ambition to unite the best from rural areas with the best from the urban city. By thinking the new neighborhood as an extension of the site, existing features and structures of the landscape are preserved and strengthened while added a dense and compact city, where city…


Join us for the upcoming seminar on housing at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Institute for Architecture and Technology. The seminar is part of the bachelor programme ‘Architecture’s Anatomy and Fabrication’s year-long focus on housing. We look forward to take part in the discussions on housing and politics.


SEMINAR ON HOUSING AT The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture
Join us for a seminar on housing at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture. The seminar brings together a number of different and interdiciplinary voices on housing and the relationship between organisation, politics, program and architecture. In search of the qualities and beauty in everyday life. Speakers: Rorbert gassner, arkitekt, phd-studerende; Peter hegelund skriver, lektor eremitus, RUC; Anders Lund hansen, associate professor, Department of Human Geography, Lund University; Stine Henckel Schultz, arkitekt, phd-studerende; Marianne Ingvartsen, arkitekt; Masashi Kajita, arkitekt, SBi, KADK; Rolf Andersson, byggedirektør, KAB; Uffe leth, arkitekt, LETH & GORI, og Pontus Åqvist, arkitekt, OpenStudio Arkitekter (se)


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